Hi. Welcome to my first blog post. I'm not sure what to write about, but I've been told I need a blog because I am a writer in the 21st century. Back when my characters would have been alive, all one needed was to be literate and know someone with a printing press, but now most everyone can read and write, and the competition for readers' eyes is much more fierce.

The book I've written, Zani: Feathers of a Lion Book 1, is about a guy who's a professional jester in Venice (1518), who can't kiss the girl he's falling in love with because his mother is a Fata and his kisses can be deadly to mortals. It's also about a girl who befriends the jester while trying to get to know her estranged father, a silk merchant. They're part of a group of mostly amateur actors (the jester is the professional) who put on plays for other wealthy Venetians to watch. It's an eccentric kind of story, historical fiction with a sprinkling of faerie dust. 

This being an introductory entry, let me list some of the things I think I might be writing about. 

1. Venice. Anything that comes up in the news about the city, or things I remember from being there, or weird historical details, all may be fair game.

2. Bergamo. See "Venice", above.

3. Commedia dell'Arte and all its variations, influences, predecessors, and successors right down to Whose Line Is It Anyway? and the mime on the corner.

4. Stuff I'm doing or thinking about that might or might not relate to the above topics.

With luck, I may find something to write about that someone else will be interested in reading. If not, at least it's good exercise.


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